5.Dissertations and Theses

What information can I find in this section?

The profiles under both People and Departments and Centers have a "Dissertations and Theses" section. In people, it displays the list of the dissertations and theses the profile owner is supervising. In Departments and Centers, it displays the list of the dissertations and theses of their students since 2012, the year of the University re-organization. Bachelor’s theses are updated only up to 2015.

What data are displayed?

For each dissertation or thesis, displayed data include the title, the year of award, the name of the student, and the names of the supervisors (thesis advisors and co-advisors).

Where do the data come from?

The data come from the TEA repository which contains information about the theses archived by the University library. TEA constitutes a trusted version of the data originally stored in ESSE3. Please note that since 2015 bachelor’s theses are no longer archived in TEA. 

How often are the data updated?

Updates are scheduled every 24 hours.

I am looking for a thesis but I can’t find it. Why?

There are several possible causes for this. For example: the thesis has never been uploaded in the TEA archive (for example, because it is a Bachelor’s thesis written after 2015, and it is no longer mandatory to file it); the thesis has been uploaded in ESSE3 but the validation process in TEA has not been completed (for example, because the legal and administrative significance of the document has not yet been assessed); the thesis advisor has decided to hide the “Dissertation and theses” section in his or her profile.