
What information can I find in publications section?

The profiles under both People and Departments and Centers have a “Publications” section. In People, it displays the list of publications of the profile owner. In the case of Departments and Centers, it displays the list of the publications of their members.

What data are displayed?

Displayed data include the title of the publication, its authors, the year of publication, the type of publication, the full citation, abstract, keywords, and the publication itself in PDF format. The PDF file is available only if the text has been published in Open Access. If a lock icon is displayed, the file is available to University Certified Users only.

Where do the data come from?

The data come from the IRIS institutional repository. Only publications that have a “final” or “validated” status in IRIS are displayed on the portal. The PDF files are selected among all available versions by picking the best Open Access version in this order (from the most important to the least important): editorial version, post-print version, pre-print version, abstract. If a file is under EMBARGO, it will be displayed once the embargo date has expired.

How often are the data updated?

Updates are scheduled every 24 hours.

I am looking for a publication but I can’t find it. Why?

There are several possible causes for this. For example: the publication has never been uploaded in the IRIS repository; the publication is in IRIS as a draft; the author of the publication has decided to hide the “Publications” section from his or her profile.

Not all publications have a PDF file attached. Why?

There are several possible causes for this. For example: the PDF file of the publication has never been uploaded in the IRIS repository; the PDF file has been uploaded in IRIS, but is set as available to administrators only; the PDF file has been uploaded in IRIS, but it still under embargo; the PDF file has not yet been validated by IRIS’s administrators, who are responsible for verifying that the open access publication complies with the publisher’s policies.