3. Teaching

What data are displayed?

The data include the title of the course, the name of the course program, the stream, the Department or Center responsible for the course, the list of Professors and assistants, an abstract describing the course objectives, and a link to the course page in the ESSE3 information system.

What information can I find in this section?

Profile pages under People and Departments and Centers have a “Teaching” section. In People, you find the list of courses taught by the profile owner. In Departments and Centers, you find the list of courses offered by a given department or center.

Where do the data come from?

The data come from the ESSE3 information system.

How often are data updated?

Updates are scheduled every 24 hours.

I am looking for a course but I can’t find it. Why?

There are several possible causes for this. For example: the actual name of the course is not the one you are looking for; the course does not exist anymore; the course is taught by a Professor who has decided not to display his or her “Teaching” section.