From the ITIL definition (ITIL Service Design):
A database or structured Document with information about all Live IT Services, including those available for Deployment. The Service Catalogue is the only part of the ITIL Service Portfolio published to Customers, and is used to support the sale and delivery of IT Services. The Service Catalogue includes information about deliverables, prices, contact points, ordering and request Processes.
Launched in 2016, under the inspiration of the commanding EDUCAUSE model (The Higher Education IT Service Catalogue, A Working Model for Comparison and Collaboration), the goal of creating a UniTrento ICT Services Catalog has been pursued by the entire SISTI Department, with the coordination of the Service Desk and a multiple purpose:
- provide a source of information on univocal, consistent and organic University ICT services
- make the information in the catalogue available and easy to find
- guarantee the presence of updated and maintained information
Project in progress by definition, the Catalog integrates and extends previous experiences (the ITM Presidia Service Charts, the Systems Plan, the ICTs site, business continuity analysis and disaster recovery), and in its first edition updated to December 2016 pictures the scenario of UniTrento IT services as they were conceived and described by the technical staff responsible for their design and maintenance. Homogeneous services for use have been gathered into the eight categories suggested by EDUCAUSE - which re-reads the catalog of ITIL-based IT services in the light of the precise needs of the university institutions:
- Management and administrative services
- Communication and collaboration
- End-Point Computing: workstations
- Infrastructure
- IT Professional Services
- Research
- Security
- Teaching and learning
The catalog aims to reach the entire UniTrento community, with texts and documentation that are comprehensible to the end user, even if not employed, and contemplates a triple declination in User view, Business view and Tech view (personalized views that privilege the different search criteria of the information for the general user, the governance and the internal technician).
The static text document (with the automatic export of all the contents in a printable version) has been accompanied by an online services catalog since the end of 2018, built on a dynamic and navigable site and based on structured content.
The reference model used is based on a standard descriptive card (template), which allows to obtain and display structured contents for each service, understood as a set of technological tools and human activities that provide value for the end user. For DSISTI staff only, the Tech view is available, enriched with information and contents also on the infrastructural and implementation aspects underlying the services. The card of each service or service offering provides a list of elements that characterize it (the definitions of the single element can be found in the glossary at the bottom of the catalog itself). Among the most significant:
- Service Name
- Description
- Service manager and functional referent
- Purpose
- Profiling
- Helpdesk references
- Links, documentation and notes
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