Discontinuation of @alumni.unitn.it email address

What happens to my Chrome profile when my Google Alumni account is deleted?

When the account is deleted, the synchronization of the Chrome profile and saved passwords will be lost.

I synced the bookmarks with the Alumni account. Can i recover them?

No: by deleting the @ alumni.unitn.it account,  the bookmarks saved on that profile are lost, so it is advisable to export them before.

Can i still access devices, smart TVs or home automation systems with my Google Alumni account?

No: by deleting the @ alumni.unitn.it account, you lose the ability to log in to any device.

I have a personal Gmail account, by deleting Google Alumni account will I also lose the personal one?

No: they are independent accounts.

When my account is deleted, will the contacts I have shared files with still be able to consult them?

NO: your files will be deleted and whoever was sharing will lose the files.