Logistic and technical information

Where is the physical location of the UniTrento email? Will the Google Servers stay in our Datacentre?

The UniTrento servers are located in the datacentres of Trento and Povo 2. The Google servers are located in the Google datacentres, located all over the world, for reliability reasons (the three Europeans datacentres are located in Finland, Belgium and Ireland). All data are simultaneously stored in at least 3 datacentres, to guarantee their availability in at least 99.98% of cases). Email services, including the additional ones, will continue to function all over the world.

Who is in charge of the backup the Google email and other services?

The backups is performed by Google:

  • all items (emails, documents, etc.) are stored forever
  • under no circumstances will items and documents be cancelled, unless they are moved into the Trash box;
  • if a user moves an email item or document into the Trash box, the item will remain available for 30 days;
  • if a user cancel permanently an email item from the Trash box, the item cannot be recovered any more.

More information: https://support.google.com/a/answer/112445?hl=en&ref_topic=1355151

NOTE: Some interesting features of Google Drive: the documents, even if edited, may be recovered for 30 days, also in their intermediate versions. Documents created with the Google Office Suite have the opportunity to use the Key “Cancel” without time limits and they do not use up space.

I found a strange email address into my institutional mail addresses (something like ACC0700000 @ 35uhyfsa.temporary.unitn.it). What is it?

It's a technical email address assigned by the University; is unique to each user and is used only for technical reasons. Never use this address, because we may change or remove it without notice.

Will email servers be internally managed at UniTrento?

Yes, as far as the management/application parts of the services and as far as our users are concerned. We haven't to deal with HW and their OS any longer.

Will you continue to support users for these services?

Yes, we have only outsourced a part of the technological infrastructure.