
What information can I find in this section?

The profiles under both People and Departments and Centers have a "Projects" area. Here you can find the list of peer-reviewed research projects funded by external bodies for which the person or the department/center are responsible.

What data are displayed?

Displayed data include the name of the project, the start and end dates, the list of reference persons and units, the coordinating institution, sponsors, partner institutions, abstract, keywords, and the relevant public call.

Where do the data come from?

The data come from the University Projects Register (“Anagrafica Progetti”). Only projects that have been approved or have been completed, and for which a timesheet is needed to track the personal commitment on the project, are displayed.

How often are the data updated?

Updates are scheduled every 24 hours.

I am looking for a project but I can’t find it. Why?

There are several possible causes for this. For example: the name of the project is not the one you are looking for; you are looking for the project within the profile of a person or a department or center that are not responsible for it; the head of the project has decided not to display the “Projects” section in his or her profile.