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What does it mean "You are not in ADA"?

Molti servizi ICT di Ateneo riconoscono solo gli account associati a persone presenti in ADA, non essere presente in ADA significa quindi non poter utilizzare tali servizi.

How can I be inserted in ADA and obtain a Unitn account?

Specific processes of the information systems of the University (e.g. enrolment of a student, employment of a professor) are a prerequisite to insert a person in ADA and to issue the consequent account.
If the processes are not supported by specific information systems, the person is directly inserted in ADA by the relevant offices of the Departments, Centres and Managements.

I am the Administrator of an application and I would like to use the information extracted from ADA; whom should I contact?

The access to ADA information, considering they are personal information, is subject to the Privacy Law. The treatment of personal information must be in compliance with the institutional purposes of the University and consistent with the reasons why the information was collected. If you believe you meet these criteria, please contacth  https://webapps.unitn.it/du/en/StrutturaGestionale/STO0000870/Persone#INFO

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