IT Professional Services

Humanistic management and information technologies are fully available to the UniTrento community: ICT training, consulting and providing support to stakeholders in the analysis and planning of new services, ITSM and governance of the university’s ICT structure.

Application Development
In support of the project management software products our University uses (IRIS, ESSE3, SAP, etc.), UniTrento has provided itself with instruments and expertise in developing inhouse software products and applications designed to computerise all processes and to contribute to the development of the e-government of our University. Requirements analysis, prototyping, testing, and new services implementation require close cooperation on the part of all the supervisors of said services.

Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery
Business continuity and disaster recovery policy: this provides emergency procedures training and business continuity planning in order to assure the functioning of the IT systems in the event of accidents. More information

IT Services Management and Support
Strategic management of IT systems and their organization, having one eye to the user’s perspective and to the IT contribution to University services.